Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Sun Fish!

The ocean sunfish or mola mola is the heaviest known bony fish in the world.  The average adult can weigh up to 1,000 kg (2,200lbs).  The species is native to tropical and temperate waters all over the world. Sunfish live on a diet that consists mainly of jellyfish because this diet is nutritionally poor they must eat large amounts in order to maintain their healthy weight.  Females of this species can produce more eggs than any other vertebrate.  Sea lions, sharks, and orcas are just some of their natural predators.  Sunfish is also considered a delicacy in some parts of the world, including Japan, the Korean peninsula, and Taiwan.  Ocean sunfish may live up to ten years in captivity, but their lifespan in a natural habitat has not yet been determined.  Their growth rate is also indeterminate.

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